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Not Impressed In the Least

An exterminator? Really? My mom calmly got the bat out of our house using a butterfly net. I don't see what you're so afraid of. Next time call the SPCA or look up wildlife rehabilitators in Tompkins county. Drop your name and you'll get better service I bet. Exterminators are all about lethality. Unless you saw the guy release it in a field with your own eyes, odds are you believed his story because it was conscience-easing. Exterminators are among the lowest forms of life. Tom Delay, hello?

Nick Sagan

NIITL, allow me to clear up a few things:

1.) I don't own a butterfly net.

2.) I'm really good with spiders and scorpions. Bats, not so much. Weird, huh? I'm as surprised as you are.

3.) I don't "drop my name" to "get better service." Not my style.

4.) The exterminator in question is someone my family has used for years, specifically because he practices humane pest control and only kills as a last resort.

5.) I'm reasonably certain that this exterminator isn't Tom Delay. I saw Dancing With The Stars and that dude doing the cha cha seems to be a totally different guy.

6.) You don't have to be impressed. Believe it or not, the purpose of this blog post was not to impress you.

But I take your point on the SPCA. If there's a next time, maybe I'll give them a call.

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