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A wonderful remix of a wonderful series from a wonderful person.

Fur Gots

This is awesome. :-)

Leon Baradat

I'm glad you liked it too, Nick. I watched it over and over all weekend long and can't get parts of it out of my head. Disappointing that it's a little over my four-year-old's head yet, but I'm looking forward to sharing it with her when she's a bit older.


"A still more glorious dawn awaits
Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
A morning filled with 400 billion suns
The rising of the milky way"

Chills ran down my spine.

Rachel Morris

Best music video. Ever.

And the YouTube comments brought me to your site and my first glimpse of your books, which I look forward to reading, especially Idlewild.


i kept playing it over and over again. it's etched in my mind.

just awesome.

Robert Little

"Cosmos" was very important to me, so I was a little skeptical when I first learned of this (via Boing Boing). When my friend Austin emails the link to me, and says that this is proof that there s still talent in the US & Great Britain, then, and only then, did I check it out.
This... is moving.

Katie Malone

Beautiful video of a beautiful human being.


Cosmos changed my life as a child. I couldn't have been more than 7 when I found a show that talked to me and not down to me. I watched every episode every time it ran. It gave me the wonder of the universe that I carry with me to this day.

Then, this song comes out and taught me something new, something I did not realize - your father was a poet. His turn of phrase was simple, yet awesome and powerful.

I am going to go and buy Idlewild as I hear you have similar talents!

Michael Burton

I'll echo the sentiments above. This artist's treatment Dr. Sagan's works made me tear up and shiver in a way I didn't think possible, considering the application of the dreaded autotune. The chorus is absolutely haunting.

At the same time, it brought me to this site and to your novels that I wasn't aware of. I look forward to discovering them.


It's so beautiful and awesome. I love it!

Tristan Liedel

There's a new video up by the same artist (featuring Carl again). It's just as beautiful and addicting as the first one:


luis felipe gaviria

i love it
a absolutely love it


Nick, I found your site after viewing A Glorious Dawn. When I first went to watch the video, I expected something rather campy. Instead, I was deeply moved by your father's prose (sung or not) accompanied by such beautiful images of the cosmos.


My six year old daughter knows all the words to it and the other "we are all connected" but "glorious dawn" is our favorite. I think I might play over and over a bit much :)
I did some websearching on your father's personal life and my heart is happy to know he has offspring! I am glad to know you exist.


I cried when I saw this. So well done. Howbefitting for one of the kindest, gentlest, wisest souls we have to miss.

Antonio Miranda

What can I say? Just beatiful!!!
This video make me feel... happy, melancholy, hopeful... many feelings in a single one. Thanks for sharing this little masterpiece.
Maybe our children, or the children of our children, are gonna contemplate an amazing and marvelous dawn like this one.
Hey Nick: your dad and Stephen Hawking are the best astronomers I've known in all my life!!!!
Greetings from La Paz-Bolivia-South America... XDDDDD


Never knew Carl had a Son, your very lucky to be the Son of the greatest man to ever live :) Love Mr Sagan he was a genius and has inspired me ever since I seen Cosmos.

Love this music also, theres 2 more out now http://www.symphonyofscience.com/

Carmen Tomassetti

Amazing! Your father always fascinated me from an early age and I still can't get enough years later!

Alexander Blake

Amazing video! Cosmos really inspired me to learn as much as I can about science and the universe.

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Idlewild Trilogy

  • i d l e w i l d

    "Sagan has a ferocious imagination."
    -- Stephen Baxter

  • e d e n b o r n

    "One of the best post-apocalyptic novels you will ever read."
    -- SFX Magazine

  • e v e r f r e e

    "Sagan's mind-blowing post-apocalyptic trilogy comes to a satisfying, terrifying conclusion."
    -- Kirkus Reviews


  • Aristeia Rising

    "An intense and intelligent story partnered with art that makes your eyes drool."
    -- Ain't It Cool News

  • Hubris

    "Lord, this is epic. If you thought the first volume of the Shrapnel series was intense, brutal, and dark, just wait until you get your hands on its follow up."
    -- Comics Bulletin


  • Future Proof

    "A delightful 'expedition in search of the future,' providing clear explanations of today's cutting-edge technologies to find where science fiction has become reality."
    -- Publishers Weekly

Star Trek

  • Voyager: Season 5

    "Year five of Star Trek: Voyager is the greatest achievement in its seven year run. This is Voyager in its prime, and in its absolute top form."
    -- DVD Answers

  • TNG: Season 7

    "One of Next Generation's best seasons ever... The series was at the top of its game, consistently turning out episodic sci-fi hours that felt fresh and captured the imagination."
    -- SciFi.com

Computer Games

  • Zork Nemesis

    "The story is dark and gripping. Numerous subplots and twists are heightened by a surprise climactic revelation. Character developments are complex. The portrayals of the dark side of mankind in these characters are chilling."
    -- The Adventure Collective




Carl Sagan

  • Visit the Carl Sagan Portal

  • Visit the Celebrating Sagan site

  • Visit the Planetary Society