Well, it's two and a half weeks later, and I have to admit I'm still in shock that the election went as well as it did. President Elect Barack Obama now gets to inherit a very difficult (some would say daunting) set of challenges, but if he governs with the same degree of skill he demonstrated in the course of this campaign, he should be able to do a heck of a lot of good. We seem to have the right people in the right place at the right time, so I'm hopeful about the direction of the country.
The Republicans deserved to lose this election, but as the Democrats are by no means infallible, I'd like to see that party eventually find its way again (8 years? 16? How long until voters forget about George W. Bush?), so it can offer a viable alternative. I'm no fan of the Palin wing of today's GOP, but I'm even less of a fan of a one party system, so I'm rooting for something akin to Eisenhower Republicans to eventually emerge as the ones in charge of that side of the aisle.
Meanwhile, Prop 8 was a disappointing if instructive pulse taking on where the country is. Still more work to be done. I've always been a little skeptical of marriage as an institution, but if two adult, consensual human beings want to commemorate their love with a ceremony, I don't see how it's any business of mine. And if the government wants to give benefits and advantages to married couples, I don't see why sexual orientation should be a factor.
Anyway, enough politics for now. Back to the whiz bang sci-fi future stuff in my next posts.
Posted by: elena | December 27, 2008 at 06:43 AM