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Congratulations. Nice to have a thumbs up from Neil Gaiman on the cover as well!

I've read the trilogy. Enjoyed it--particularly Idlewild. :)

Anything new in the works?

andrew stewart

i am a artist based in nottingham uk. i have always been a fan of carl sagan, i did a book cover a long time ago for carl. if you are interested in any new artwork for your books please contact me.

all the best.


Herald Jonson

Hi Nick,

While at the library recently, I stumbled upon the audio book versions of your novels Idlewild and Edenborn. I'm so glad I picked them up; tonight I finished listening to Idlewild, and I'm currently converting the Edenborn CDs to iPod's Audiobook format so I can begin listening to the book tonight. (I'll delete the iPod files after I listen to them.) Idlewild was fantastic and I can't wait to listen to Edenborn.

(By the way, they picked a wonderful reader, that Clayton Barclay Jones. Great voice for Halloween.)

Audrey Harper

Hey Nick... working hard?


BTW I've heard that recording on the Voyager craft! That's your voice? Radical...I have a 'Net radio station called VoyagerRadio (at VoyagerRadio.com), and it was inspired by -- what else? -- the Voyager mission, which I'm somewhat fascinated with. To think that they are farther out there than any other human-made objects...


Hey Nick I love your books man , you shot yourself up to being my favorite author before I got half way thru your first book.

Are you planning on continuing the idlewild story line in any way shape or form I have to know 4th book anything? <3 hal


hey nick im loving your novel Idlewild(i say loving cause i haven't finished yet).

the book is soo good because my prediction on what was going to happen Completely changed through out the story because of the plot twists.

keep doing what you're doing!

Halloween FTW!!!

Mike G

Which Book Is First?? I Have All 3 And I'm Dieing To Read Them! I Just Wanna Know Which Book To Start With First!! :D

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Idlewild Trilogy

  • i d l e w i l d

    "Sagan has a ferocious imagination."
    -- Stephen Baxter

  • e d e n b o r n

    "One of the best post-apocalyptic novels you will ever read."
    -- SFX Magazine

  • e v e r f r e e

    "Sagan's mind-blowing post-apocalyptic trilogy comes to a satisfying, terrifying conclusion."
    -- Kirkus Reviews


  • Aristeia Rising

    "An intense and intelligent story partnered with art that makes your eyes drool."
    -- Ain't It Cool News

  • Hubris

    "Lord, this is epic. If you thought the first volume of the Shrapnel series was intense, brutal, and dark, just wait until you get your hands on its follow up."
    -- Comics Bulletin


  • Future Proof

    "A delightful 'expedition in search of the future,' providing clear explanations of today's cutting-edge technologies to find where science fiction has become reality."
    -- Publishers Weekly

Star Trek

  • Voyager: Season 5

    "Year five of Star Trek: Voyager is the greatest achievement in its seven year run. This is Voyager in its prime, and in its absolute top form."
    -- DVD Answers

  • TNG: Season 7

    "One of Next Generation's best seasons ever... The series was at the top of its game, consistently turning out episodic sci-fi hours that felt fresh and captured the imagination."
    -- SciFi.com

Computer Games

  • Zork Nemesis

    "The story is dark and gripping. Numerous subplots and twists are heightened by a surprise climactic revelation. Character developments are complex. The portrayals of the dark side of mankind in these characters are chilling."
    -- The Adventure Collective




Carl Sagan

  • Visit the Carl Sagan Portal

  • Visit the Celebrating Sagan site

  • Visit the Planetary Society