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Deanna Hoak

Happy birthday, Nick! I'm glad your mom is feeling better. It was great to get to talk to you a bit at WorldCon, and I hope everything gets back to normal for you soon.


I'm so glad your mom's doing better. And have a very happy birthday! Don't drink too much, I'm looking forward to an update ;)


Well, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Good to hear your mother's doing better.

Have a great time. :D

Ângelo Fernandes

that's very fine that your mother's better!

Happy 36th birthday, have lots of fun!

we'll be waiting for the Worldcon report!


Ângelo Fernandes

check out this blog


Marshall T

i'm not much of a reader, but i am looking forward to reading your books later this year. i like a lot of the same stuff. i am a self-taught, xenophobic, isolated wanderer in a spaceless cave. a terra firma friend of mine brought me out at 37 and i wondered where Carl was at and found you. good luck and someday i will return.


Happy late Birthday, (my birthday: 30 sept)

Muchas felicidades,

You have a strong mother, I'm glad she's well. I enjoy the serie Cosmos, and i think that your father will be very happy of you.

see you soon,

Best regards


Wow, how much did you drink? You haven't posted anything since. ;)


I am pleased to hear that your mother is feeling better. Happy (belated) birthday and happy (belated) halloween.
Your books are among my favorites.

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Idlewild Trilogy

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    "Sagan has a ferocious imagination."
    -- Stephen Baxter

  • e d e n b o r n

    "One of the best post-apocalyptic novels you will ever read."
    -- SFX Magazine

  • e v e r f r e e

    "Sagan's mind-blowing post-apocalyptic trilogy comes to a satisfying, terrifying conclusion."
    -- Kirkus Reviews


  • Aristeia Rising

    "An intense and intelligent story partnered with art that makes your eyes drool."
    -- Ain't It Cool News

  • Hubris

    "Lord, this is epic. If you thought the first volume of the Shrapnel series was intense, brutal, and dark, just wait until you get your hands on its follow up."
    -- Comics Bulletin


  • Future Proof

    "A delightful 'expedition in search of the future,' providing clear explanations of today's cutting-edge technologies to find where science fiction has become reality."
    -- Publishers Weekly

Star Trek

  • Voyager: Season 5

    "Year five of Star Trek: Voyager is the greatest achievement in its seven year run. This is Voyager in its prime, and in its absolute top form."
    -- DVD Answers

  • TNG: Season 7

    "One of Next Generation's best seasons ever... The series was at the top of its game, consistently turning out episodic sci-fi hours that felt fresh and captured the imagination."
    -- SciFi.com

Computer Games

  • Zork Nemesis

    "The story is dark and gripping. Numerous subplots and twists are heightened by a surprise climactic revelation. Character developments are complex. The portrayals of the dark side of mankind in these characters are chilling."
    -- The Adventure Collective




Carl Sagan

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