I'm in Your Mom's Basement. No, not your particular mom's basement, but rather the yourmomsbasement.com website where Mike Collins has asked a variety of smart and fun questions, which I've tried to answer to the best of my ability. We talk mostly about the trilogy, but also about the differences between writing novels and writing for Hollywood, what I'm doing next, etc.
Here's an excerpt:
MC: Are there any plans to visit with these characters somewhere down the road?
NS: Halloween will always have a special place in my heart. I'm sure I'll write another entry in this series eventually. But I have other stories I want to tell, and I have so many characters clamoring for attention in my head, that the trilogy characters are going to have to wait their turn.
You can read the complete interview here.
Spoiler warning: Many aspects of the trilogy get discussed, so if you've yet to read any of my novels, you might want to do that first.
There's also a YMB message board with a thread about the books.