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Aw, you sound like you were a cute little kid :D
If they ever got around to making the Ender's Game movie, would they still use your script? That would be really cool. I still have yet to get around to reading Ender's Game, but it's sitting in plain view so hopefully I'll read it soon.
Oh, and do you have any plans on making the trilogy into movies?

Ângelo Fernandes

I don't want to be "suspicious" but Portugal's a great country and Lisbon a awesome city, but than again, I'm portuguese.
Did you went to Sintra or Setúbal?


Hello Nick! I just read the interview yesterday and it was a wonderful surprise. Thank you so much for mentioning our event and how you had a great time! I'm sure now every writer will come running to Portugal to attend Fórum Fantástico.

The preparation for the 2006 edition has already been set in motion and the Forum will take place from November 30 to December 3, at the same place. Care for another visit? hehe ;)

Nick Sagan

Elizabeth: Aw, shucks. :) I don't know whether or not my script would make it into an Ender's Game movie. Many writers have taken passes at adapting the book since my draft, so the odds may well be against me. And I'd love to turn my trilogy into movies--that's one of the things I'm working on.

Ângelo: I fell in love with Lisbon. I don't think I ever got to Setúbal, but I remember having lunch in a restaurant high up with a great view of castles, and I believe that was in Sintra. Absolutely beautiful.

Safaa: It's my pleasure to help spread the word about Fórum Fantástico! And that's great about 2006--it goes without saying that I'd love to come back.

Ângelo Fernandes

I'm from Setúbal [wich is about 30mins from Lisbon] and I work in both cities, so I manage to take what's the best of them.

Setúbal is considered to be one of the most 30 beautifull bays of ALL world. With a huge range of mountains, paradisiacal beaches and, our ex-libris, a dolphin colony. So you can be swimming on the beach and be visited by a kind dolphin.

Sintra is also amazing, quite diferent but still great, there are places where you can imagine yourself to be on a Tolkien novel.

want to see some Setúbal photos, click here





Yes I love my city :)

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Idlewild Trilogy

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    "Sagan has a ferocious imagination."
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    -- Kirkus Reviews


  • Aristeia Rising

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    -- Ain't It Cool News

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    "Lord, this is epic. If you thought the first volume of the Shrapnel series was intense, brutal, and dark, just wait until you get your hands on its follow up."
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