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Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows

Lost is pretty addictive. It's like watching Survivor after your brain has been starved of oxygen for five minutes.


Veronica Mars. Especially since you seem to like detective shows. It's a neat twist on the noir style in that the whole thing is candy-colored and set in a high school, but with all the requisite ugliness and dark secrets beneath the surface. The writing is sharp and funny, the mysteries are fascinating and believable, and the characters are so compelling you'll want to take them all home and make them cookies.


Lost is definitely one of my favorites. I'm not a big TV watcher, but I'm hooked on Lost. Of course, at the same time, I hate to admit that I watch the O.C. Perhaps a bit of brainless rubbish to keep me sane? However, teenage soap operas notwithstanding, only a few shows have really caught my eye (though maybe that's only because I don't turn on the TV too much). And as much as I love Buffy, Lost has to be number one on my list.


I agree (almost) wholeheartedly with your list Nick. I love “Cracker” and I’m always surprised at how few people I know have bothered to check it out. “Twin Peaks” was also very influential on me: I had just started university and was a closet fan of “Blue Velvet” and “Eraserhead”. The first episode of “Twin Peaks” that featured a dream with the midget (I think maybe the third) is still one of my all-time favourite single episodes of any television show. The only place we diverge is The Sopranos--and I’m keenly aware that I’m the only person I know who doesn’t love it--I thought the first season of The Sopranos was great and that it pissed away most of the promise of Tony as a truly conflicted character. (I think it’s a little overrated but please don’t tell anyone.) Have you ever seen “The Sandbaggers”? It’s an obscure British spy show that’s more in the Le Carré vein than the Fleming: our hero struggles as much with petty bureaucracy as the threat of violent death--well worth a look, if you can find it anywhere.

Nick Sagan

Sunshine & Elizabeth: I should give Lost another try. The episode I saw didn't hook me, but I appreciate it as the kind of show that takes risks, and I know it's got a loyal following. Can I jump right in, or do I need to start at the beginning? And though the O.C. isn't my cup of tea, I can't begrudge anyone a guilty pleasure or two. (Or heck, even three--I've watched more than my share over the years.)

Abigail: Yes, didn't Veronica Mars receive some great reviews, including one from Joss Whedon? I've yet to see an episode, but I do have a thing for crime dramas/noir, and you've sold me on the whole baking cookies thing. I'll look for the first season on DVD.

Andrew: I'm with you--between Cooper's dream and the Tibetan deductive technique, that third episode of Twin Peaks is one of my favorite hours of TV as well. Lynch rocks. That "Am I the only one who doesn't like The Sopranos?" feeling is familiar--for years I thought it was wildly overrated, but it turned me somewhere along the way. Not sure how, but it did. As for The Sandbaggers, I'm sad to say I'm completely ignorant of the show. It sounds like something I'd enjoy, so I'll try to get ahold of it. Thanks for the tip!


You'll have to start at the beginning. I've heard from quite a few people who have tried to start in the middle that it doesn't work out too well.
Another I forgot to mention - have you ever seen the sadly forgotten Firefly? It may have been cancelled mid-season but it's well worth a viewing.


What about Firefly? It's a curiously effective combination of Western and sci-fi--a little like the first original Star Wars but heavier on the Western. Very memorable characters.

Lost is pretty good. Sometimes it drags on a little too slowly, but it's easy to get caught up in, and they do the unthinkable like kill off major characters just when you're really starting to know them.

And yes, X-Files! Definitely. (All of these just IMO.)

Oh, and "hi." Just found your blog recently. :)

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