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Ângelo Fernandes

I just want to say that I a huge fan of SCI FI, and last week I buyed Idlewild, and read it in 3 days. It's excellent =)
now I bought the sequel and it's also great :)

It's a pleasure to read such good sci fi books.

I'm a primary teacher but now I'm investing on photography, design and writting.
I'm trying to be a "real" writter as well. I've published a book and maybe one day I'll join you on the Sci Fi theme :)
who knows? :)


Just a note, In Portugal the book covers as well the titles are very poor and non-atractive. If you have some power over it, try to be more hard with those who translate it or who do design.

kind regards,
Ângelo Fernandes, Portugal
http://angelofernandes.pt.vu my photos
http://www.ovelhamestre.pt.vu my blog

Nick Sagan

Ângelo, thanks so much for the praise, and for blogging about me at http://www.ovelhamestre.pt.vu. Much appreciated! I wish you all the best with your writing, and look forward to your science fiction. Also, I appreciate your concern about the covers and titles--I'll pass that on to the publishers.

Ângelo Fernandes

You don't need to thank me about anything :)

I've finished edenborn last week, now I'm hung up and very thrilled to read the last book of this trilogy.

I hope that my opinion about the covers and titles weren't too rude, but here in Portugal Sci Fi is not an "aclaimed" literay theme, as others, and I think it's not positive to see the publishers to treat it as if it were a poor theme. moving on.

best luck to you :)

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Idlewild Trilogy

  • i d l e w i l d

    "Sagan has a ferocious imagination."
    -- Stephen Baxter

  • e d e n b o r n

    "One of the best post-apocalyptic novels you will ever read."
    -- SFX Magazine

  • e v e r f r e e

    "Sagan's mind-blowing post-apocalyptic trilogy comes to a satisfying, terrifying conclusion."
    -- Kirkus Reviews


  • Aristeia Rising

    "An intense and intelligent story partnered with art that makes your eyes drool."
    -- Ain't It Cool News

  • Hubris

    "Lord, this is epic. If you thought the first volume of the Shrapnel series was intense, brutal, and dark, just wait until you get your hands on its follow up."
    -- Comics Bulletin


Star Trek

  • Voyager: Season 5

    "Year five of Star Trek: Voyager is the greatest achievement in its seven year run. This is Voyager in its prime, and in its absolute top form."
    -- DVD Answers

  • TNG: Season 7

    "One of Next Generation's best seasons ever... The series was at the top of its game, consistently turning out episodic sci-fi hours that felt fresh and captured the imagination."
    -- SciFi.com

Computer Games

  • Zork Nemesis

    "The story is dark and gripping. Numerous subplots and twists are heightened by a surprise climactic revelation. Character developments are complex. The portrayals of the dark side of mankind in these characters are chilling."
    -- The Adventure Collective




Carl Sagan

  • Visit the Carl Sagan Portal

  • Visit the Celebrating Sagan site

  • Visit the Planetary Society